
Average score 476 Reviews
LeBon Thomas noted on Google

super !!!!

3 months ago
Fa Fr noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Parizhe padrini Paříž, CAP Cuisine Bars, 1- I would like us to conform to consumer tastes with fewer delicious prepared meals, but imagine in a Ying-Yang spirit dishes composed around miso soups enhanced with Asian health foods (raw and cooked, vegetables and fruits, salty and sweet), in addition to starchy foods, fried foods and sauces. 2- The desserts are delicious and varied. I can add lemon, lemongrass, apple, mint, etc. to their flavors. 3- Any waste is invoiced. Please, no waste on the plates and in the KITCHEN. Thank you for your understanding. 4- Kindergarten! So bring the elderly because they are often isolated and elderly. AND BECAUSE THEY LOVE CHILDREN. 5- Don't be asked to culturally assimilate a kitchen of torturers and servants, even if everything ends / we all end up in the same place. 6- A shame that this beautiful restaurant is located in France, Normandy, Elbeuf near the Puchot district. All local colors and suffragettes... 7- ...and adapt. Ok, what's the padrini Paříž? Evening of 04/04/2024 St Richard celebration, 2 days. Price: 1 evening buffet during the week: 20.90 euros incl. VAT, packaging included. Go there by bus, it's free on Saturday! (Original) Parizhe padrini Paříž, Barreaux des CAP Cuisine, 1- J'aimerai que l'on se conforme aux goûts des consommateurs avec moins de plats préparés délicieux, mais imaginer dans un esprit Ying-Yang des plats composés autour de soupes miso agrémentés d'aliments diététiques asiatiques (crus et cuits, légumes et fruits, salé et sucré), en complément des féculents, fritures et sauces. 2- Les entremets sont délicieux et variés. Je peux ajouter à leurs saveurs le citron, la citronnelle, la pomme,menthe,etc... 3- Tout gaspillage est facturé. SVP, pas de gaspillage dans les assiettes et en CUISINE. Merci de votre compréhension. 4- Jardin d'enfant! Donc amener les personnes âgées car elles sont souvent isolées et entres vieux. ET PARCE QU'ELLES, ELLES AIMENT LES ENFANTS. 5- Que l'on ne me demande pas d'assimiler culturellement une cuisine de tortionnaires et de serviteurs, quand bien même tout fini /tous finissons dans un même lieu. 6- DOMMAGE que ce si beau restaurant soit situé en France, Normandie, Elbeuf proche du quartier Puchot. Toutes couleurs locales et suffragettes... 7- s'adapter. Ok, Parizhe padrini Paříž? Soirée du 04/04/2024 Célébration St Richard, 2 jours. Prix :1 buffet soir en semaine : 20,90 eur TTC, conditionnement compris. Allez-y en bus, c'est gratuit le samedi!

3 months ago
Sophie noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very nice establishment. Impeccable service. Quality, freshness and perfect welcome. (Original) Très bel établissement. Service irréprochable. Qualité , fraîcheur et accueil parfait.

3 months ago
Aina Goutchi noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Everything is beautiful Very good (Original) Tout est magnifique Tres bon

3 months ago
May love noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Perfect, nothing to say, always a lot of people.. small downside for the price increase 😅 but hey it's still completely correct because we can eat as much as we want... (Original) Parfait rien a dire , toujours beaucoup de monde .. petit bémol pour la hausse de tarif 😅 mais bon ça reste tout a fait correct car nous pouvons manger a volonté...

3 months ago
G T noted on Google

Excellent !

3 months ago
Jessica Avl noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very spacious restaurant, well presented, welcoming staff. The food is of good quality, taste-wise it is also very good. I warmly recommend! (Original) Restaurant très spacieux, bien présenté, personnel accueillant. La nourriture est de bonne qualité, gustativement c'est très bon aussi. Je recommande chaleureusement !

3 months ago
Viola La Violetta noted on Google

(Translated by Google) GOOD (Original) Bien

3 months ago
Rose Taverna noted on Google

(Translated by Google) not disappointed at all, good food with fresh produce. (Original) pas du tout déçue, bonne cuisine avec des produits frais.

3 months ago
Emilie Jovet noted on Google

3 months ago

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